Hampton Roads Transit | Page 23


Strengthening Mass Transit

The Virginian Pilot and Daily Press Editorial Board- June 30, 2022.

NEWS: HRT Offers Pay Hikes To Drivers And Mechanics

Hampton Roads Transit will raise the pay of its mechanics, bus, and train operators by $1.25 an hour beginning July 1 as part of its continuing effort to recruit more people to become transit operators and technicians.

Track Access Program

Any individual or group including HRT employees and Non-HRT personnel, who need to access the Right of Way of the Tide Light Rail System, must successfully complete Track Access Safety Training facilitated by HRT Light Rail Operations.

Transit Equity Day

Transit Equity Day is February 4, a National Day of Action that commemorates the importance of investing in public transit for the benefit of all citizens.

HRT Goes Electric

Hampton Roads Transit now has six all electric, zero-emission buses in its fleet.

Naval Station Norfolk Transit Corridor Project

Hampton Road Transit (HRT) has begun work evaluating future high-capacity transit services for the city’s east side, including service to Naval Station Norfolk.

Light Rail Safety

Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI), a nationwide non-profit public safety program, awarded Hampton Roads Transit a grant in July to promote rail safety and public awareness campaigns.

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