Transit Strategic Plan FY2022 – Hampton Roads Transit

Transit Strategic Plan FY2022

Annual (Minor) Update to the 10-Year Transit Strategic Plan

The Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads, which does business as Hampton Roads Transit (HRT), adopted its Transit Strategic Plan (TSP) on June 25, 2020. The TSP serves as the agency’s blueprint for implementing better transit – over a 10-year horizon – across the region’s core area that is served by HRT.

As required by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, HRT is currently completing the first Annual Update to the TSP. Updating the TSP is important to support flexibility for HRT and its partners to make the best use of available resources and to continuously improve and adapt to changes in the mobility marketplace. New connections, better reliability, and more convenient and faster commutes will be achieved as service improvements are made.

HRT’s Board of Commissioners is scheduled to vote on adopting the TSP Update at its regular meeting on March 25, 2021.

To review the Chapters of the TSP Update, please select a document from the sidebar.

Transit Strategic Plan
First Annual Update FY2022-FY2031

See the Transit Strategic Plan FY2021-FY2030

See the Transit Strategic Plan FY2023-FY2032