Advertise – Hampton Roads Transit


The six-city market draws four million visitors each year, while the local military bases that HRT serves host countless new faces every year.

Greater Reach:
Television, radio and newspapers, reach only specific market segments. Exterior transit ads reach the entire market – up to 90% of the adult population at every income level. And they reach them with greater frequency. Your message is seen by more people, more often than with any other type of advertising. Last year, 16 million trips were made on HRT buses. That’s a lot of eyes.

Reaching People All Day…Every Day:
Television, newspapers and radio are limited. HRT buses deliver your message at the best possible time – when people are out of the house or office and ready to respond. Your ad is seen non-stop by people 19 hours per day, seven days per week.

Reaching a Captive Audience:
Internal bus cards reach HRT passengers who spend an average of 40 minutes on the bus. Your exterior HRT ads are seen by motorists behind and beside the bus, often in stopped traffic. Pedestrians notice your ads, too!

Building Long-Term Name Recognition:
Transit ads stimulate immediate recognition of who you are, what you have to offer and where to find you. The larger-than-life impact builds exceptional recall when people are seeking your product or service. Transit ads complement and reinforce your overall advertising program.

Please Note

There is a $3,000 minimum requirement to purchase advertising space.



Alonzo Crittenden – Regional Sales Manager
(757) 222-6000 ext. 6601

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