Take the Rail Safety Pledge – Hampton Roads Transit

Take the Rail Safety Pledge

NORFOLK, Va. – See tracks? Think train.

This adage is especially relevant with the start of the baseball season and upcoming spring and summer festivals that bring thousands of people to downtown Norfolk – and across and along tracks used by The Tide light rail operated by Hampton Roads Transit (HRT).

The Tide’s route has 26 rail crossings, with trains operating on embedded tracks downtown that share space with vehicles and pedestrians in high-pedestrian destinations that include Harbor Park, Scope Arena, Chrysler Hall Theater and Town Point Park.

To increase awareness, HRT is encouraging the public to take the rail safety pledge from Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI). It’s part of a competitive grant HRT received from OLI and by the Federal Transit Administration. The pledge for adults is at https://oli.org/pledge/adults. One designed for kids can be found here: https://oli.org/pledge/kids.

“Safety is our top priority and the first of our core values,” said William E. Harrell, HRT’s President and CEO. “This safety pledge will encourage our customers and residents to increase safety awareness to minimize any incidents involving the Tide’s tracks.”

The safety pledge is part of a multi-media communications campaign that includes digital advertising, public outreach, safety events and updated signage focusing on the 7.4-mile-long track.

HRT reminds fans to be safe around tracks:

For Tide schedules and stations, please visit gohrt.com/routes/light-rail.

Media contact:

Thomas Becher, APR
Manager, Communications
March 25, 2025
Cell: (757) 354-0564
(757) 222-6010