Number | Solicitation | Supplier / Service Provider | Awarded |
24-00326 | Fare Technology Assessment, Phase 6 – Unified Fare Study | Arcadis Group | 03/26/2025 |
Basis for Source Determination: Arcadis are industry experts with unique technical and functional knowledge of HRT’s fare collection system with a team to support analysis, testing, documentation review, and provide critical details on similar deployments. Additionally, Arcadis possesses intimate knowledge of HRT’s fare collection and the mobile fare project background, vision, and requirements for its implementation. This critical knowledge has been gained through work completed on previous fare assessment phases beginning in 2016, and through subsequent efforts supporting mobile fare workshops, requirements development, and serving as advisors through the procurement process. |
24-00302 | Bus Diagnostic and Repair Services | Cummins Sales and Service | 09/05/2024 |
Basis for Source Determination: The Cummins facility in Hampton Roads is the only local repair facility authorized to perform warranty work on Cummins Engines and to provide warranty on installed Cummins equipment. |
24-00296 | Mobile Telescoping Surveillance Towers | LiveView Technologies, Inc. | 06/24/2024 |
Basis for Source Determination: LiveView Technologies, Inc. was identified as having a singularly unique product with capabilities that were not performed or provided by other identified vendors. |
24-00274 | Information Technology Research and Advisory Services | Gartner, Inc. | 06/14/2024 |
Basis for Source Determination: Gartner is the industry standard for providing research, IT contract review, IT key metrics data, peer networking, and expertise across a wide range of IT solutions. HRT Technology management staff need support in key initiatives to drive the agency's mission and vision related to technology. Technology department will continue to use Gartner services to improve performance and reduce risk associated with the multitude of Technology projects. Gartner provides unique services and resources that will assist with various projects. |
23-00250 | Applicant Tracking Solution and Learning Management System | Arcoro Holdings Corporation | 12/01/2023 |
Basis for Source Determination: Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) utilizes the Arcoro Holdings Corp. (Arcoro) Applicant Tracking Solution and Learning Management System to assist its Human Resources department to track applicants and manage training records of employees. Arcoro is the sole distributor and supporter of the system. |
23-00225 | TransitMaster Computer Aided Dispatch/Automatic Vehicle Location System Upgrade | Trapeze Software Group, Inc. dba Vontas | 10/05/2023 |
Basis for Source Determination: FTA and Virginia Public Procurement Act guidelines allow non-competitive procurements when only one source is available, and the award of a contract is infeasible under small purchase procedures, sealed bids, or competitive proposals. The TransitMaster CAD/AVL System is proprietary to, and provided exclusively by, Vontas. Due to the specific requirements of this solicitation, full and open competition was not a feasible method of procurement. |
23-00243 | Hybrid Bus and Allison Transmission Diagnostic and Repair Services | Hybrid Bus and Allison Transmission Diagnostic and Repair Services | 09/21/2023 |
Basis for Source Determination: Diagnostic and maintenance repair performed on HRT buses equipped with Allison Hybrid Propulsion Systems and/or Allison Transmission Systems must be completed by a certified repair center, or the Allison Hybrid Propulsion System and Allison Transmission System warranties will be voided. Western Branch Diesel is the only properly certified repair center within HRT's region. |
23-00247 | Information Technology Research and Advisory Services | Gartner, Inc. | 09/06/2023 |
Basis for Source Determination: Gartner is the industry standard for providing research, IT contract review, IT key metrics data, peer networking, and expertise across a wide range of IT solutions. HRT Technology management staff need support in key initiatives to drive the agency's mission and vision related to technology. Technology department will continue to use Gartner services to improve performance and reduce risk associated with the multitude of Technology projects. Gartner provides unique services and resources that will assist with various projects. |
23-00224 | Automatic Passenger Counting System | Urban Transportation Associates, Inc. | 07/01/2023 |
Basis for Source Determination: Urban Transportation Associates, Inc. is the sole provider with an Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) data interface specifically supported by the TransitMaster CAD/AVL system utilized by HRT. TransitMast CDL/AVL system provides the data needed for National Transit Database (NTD) reporting as established by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The system includes all necessary onboard hardware to collect ridership and geolocation data from the Light Rail Vehicles (LRV). |
22-00215 | Interactive Voice Response System | Interactive Voice Response System (Information Technology) | 04/06/2023 |
Basis for Source Determination: DiRAD Technologies, Inc. is the sole provider of the proprietary Interactive Voice Response system utilized by HRT on a Software-as-a-Service model from DiRAD's data centers. Support and maintenance services for the system are only offered by DiRAD Technologies, Inc. |
22-00195 | HASTUS Enterprise Software Annual Maintenance and Support Services | GIRO, Inc. | 03/07/2023 |
Basis for Source Determination: GIRO Inc is the sole provider of the proprietary HASTUS software system; technical support and maintenance services for this software is only provided by GIRO. |
22-00199 | Fare Technology Assessment, Phase 5 – Mobile Fare Collection System Implementation Support | IBI Group | 09/07/2022 |
Basis for Source Determination: IBI Group possesses intimate knowledge of HRT’s fare collection and the mobile fare project background, vision, and requirements for its implementation. This critical knowledge has been gained through work completed on previous fare assessment phases beginning in 2016, and through subsequent efforts supporting mobile fare workshops, requirements development, and serving as advisors through the procurement process. |
22-00198 | Procurement of Regional Transit Service Buses | Gillig | 08/25/2022 |
Basis for Source Determination: Cooperative procurement contract on an existing Washington State Transit Bus Cooperative Contract (No. 06719-01) to procure six (6) 40’ Low Floor Diesel Buses and six (6) 35’ Low Floor Diesel Buses. |
22-00192 | Information Technology Research and Advisory Services | Gartner, Inc. | 07/29/2022 |
Basis for Source Determination: Gartner is the industry standard for providing research, IT contract review, IT key metrics data, peer networking, and expertise across a wide range of IT solutions. HRT Technology management staff need support in key initiatives to drive the agency’s mission and vision related to technology. Technology department will continue to use Gartner services to improve performance and reduce risk associated with the multitude of Technology projects. Gartner provides unique services and resources that will assist with various projects. |
22-00192 | Information Technology Research and Advisory Services | Gartner, Inc. | 07/29/2022 |
Basis for Source Determination: Gartner is the industry standard for providing research, information technology (IT) contract review, IT key metrics data, peer networking, and expertise across a wide range of IT solutions. Gartner has proven to be a definitive and cost-effective method for HRT’s Technology Management to provide both strategic expertise and timely insight into all of the Agency’s key technology initiatives. |
20-00100 | Ticket Vending Machine Credit Card Processing Services | Genfare, a division of SPX Corporation | 06/25/2021 |
Basis for Source Determination: HRT's initial solicitation for a new contract received no response. When contacted, the incumbent Contractor advised that it was in the process of acquiring Worldpay, Inc. (payment processing company) and that thereafter HRT's Genfare TVM credit card readers and PINpads and other devices, as well Genfare software would not be compatible with their Woldpay system. Genfare now offers provider services utilizing JPMorgan Chase/Chase Paymentech payment processing services. Genfare is the exclusive provider for HRT Revenue Collection Hardware such as Fareboxes, Cashboxes, Vaults, and TVM’s; Genfare is the exclusive provider for HRT Fare Revenue Collection Software; HRT’s TVM hardware and software would require no major adjustment and no additional costs to be compatible with the credit card processing services offered by Genfare and JPMorgan Chase (Chase Pyamentech). |
20-00105 | Fleetwatch Remote Island Head Upgrade and Maintenance Support Services | S&A Systems, Inc. | 10/29/2020 |
Basis for Source Determination: Due to the specific requirements of this solicitation, full and open competition was not a feasible method of Procurement. The Fleetwatch System is proprietary to S&A and is not released externally for sale. Technical support and maintenance for the System are provided exclusively by S&A. |
20-00094 | Information Technology Research and Advisory Services | Gartner, Inc. | 07/23/2020 |
Basis for Source Determination: Gartner is the industry standard for providing research, information technology (IT) contract review, IT key metrics data, peer networking and expertise across a wide range of IT solutions. |
20-00098 | Construction and Installation of Charging Stations | Proterra, Inc. | 07/02/2020 |
Basis for Source Determination: Emergency award of the Contract was necessary due to an unforeseeable accelerated agreement to be executed sooner than anticipated as a result of the emergent situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the event a separate contract for charging stations is not entered into by HRT or is otherwise substantially delayed, HRT is at risk of having a sub-fleet of electric buses that are unusable as they will not be able to be charged. (Temporary mobile charging units are not an option.) Accordingly, HRT risks substantial service disruption if it must continue to provide service with a reduced traditional diesel fleet |
20-00080 | Microsoft Dynamics 365 Support Services | Crowe LLP | 06/17/2020 |
Basis for Source Determination: Emergency award of the Contract was necessary in order for HRT to continue without delay in support due to critical stabilization and year-end tasks. Failure to complete these tasks will have a domino effect on reporting obligations of the agency, such as the external audit, National Transit Database reporting, and cost allocation. |
20-00070 | Hybrid Bus and Allison Transmission Diagnostic and Repair Services | Western Branch Diesel | 05/28/2020 |
Basis for Source Determination: Western Branch Diesel is the only Allison certified dealer and repair center within the region that can perform diagnostic and maintenance on HRT's hybrid buses, which are equipped with Allison components. |
PO0001208 | Emergency Laptop Purchase | CDW-g | 03/26/2020 |
Basis for Source Determination: Emergency award of the Contract was necessary in order for HRT’s staff to work remotely, in accordance with the Governor of Virginia’s Executive Order 53, to mitigate the impacts of the Coronavirus. Additionally, this will reduce the unnecessary person-to-person contact to decrease the risk of transmission and community spread through HRT’s employees. CDW-g has provided a number of laptops and other services to HRT in the past and has the fastest shipping time. |
18-78373 | Agency Enterprise Asset Management System | Trapeze Software Group, Inc. | 11/01/2018 |
Basis for Source Determination: Utilization of Trapeze to expand the existing Facilities EAM to all of the transit assets is the continued development of a highly specialized product and, as such, would result in substantial duplication of costs that will not be recovered through competition. |
18-78365 | Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Software License Renewal | SHI International Corporation | 08/30/2018 |
Basis for Source Determination: SHI is the sole provider authorized by Microsoft to provide government pricing for Microsoft licenses. |
18-78364 | Fare Technology Assessment Phase 3 | IBI Group, Inc. | 08/16/2018 |
Basis for Source Determination: HRT engaged with IBI Group for a Phase 2 of this project that involved the completion of the Mobile Ticketing Pilot RFP document to solicit vendors in the design and implementation of a pilot system on the VB Wave Trolleys. IBI Group was integral in the RFP review sessions and selection process for our new mobile ticketing vendor. HRT would like to leverage the critical technical and functional knowledge of HRT fare collection systems gained by IBI Group to support the project management efforts of this project. |
17-75520 | Trapeze Software and Hardware Maintenance and Support Services | Trapeze Software Group, Inc. | 05/29/2018 |
Basis for Source Determination: The TransitMaster CAD/AVL System is proprietary to Trapeze and is not released externally. |
17-74641 | Trapeze TransitMaster CAD/AVL System Upgrade | Trapeze Software Group, Inc. | 05/29/2018 |
Basis for Source Determination: The TransitMaster CAD/AVL System is proprietary to Trapeze and is not released externally. |
78525 | Light Rail Vehicle Pantograph Overhaul Kits | Schunk Carbon Technology | 05/28/2018 |
Basis for Source Determination: Original Equipment Manufacturer |
17-75523 | HASTUS Enterprise Software Annual Maintenance and Support Services | GIRO, Inc. | 01/11/2018 |
Basis for Source Determination: Existing system is developed and distributed exclusively by GIRO. |
17-75526 | Information Technology Research and Advisory Services | Gartner, Inc. | 09/01/2017 |
Basis for Source Determination: Renewal of Information Technology technical assistance and services to HRT’s Technology Department. |
17-75502 | Interactive Voice Response System Maintenance and Support Services | LogicTree, LLC | 08/03/2017 |
Basis for Source Determination: Stop-gap with current supplier until full competitive RFP can be released. |
17-75524 | Elizabeth River Ferry III Emergency and Drydock Inspection Repairs | Davis Boat Works, Inc. (d.b.a. Fairlead Boatworks) | 07/31/2017 |
Basis for Source Determination: Emergent repair and the only Contractor available to hull the boat. |
17-75488 | Hybrid Bus Diagnostic and Repair Services | Western Branch Diesel | 06/12/2017 |
Basis for Source Determination: Western Branch Diesel is the only Allison Hybrid certified dealer and repair center within the region that can perform diagnostic and maintenance on HRT’s buses that are equipped with an Allison Hybrid Propulsion System. |
17-75489 | Elizabeth River Ferry II Required Repairs | Davis Boat Works, Inc. (d.b.a. Fairlead Boatworks) | 03/22/2017 |
Basis for Source Determination: Ferry boat is presently out of the water at Davis Boat Works and unable to be re-floated until USCG repairs have been completed. |
16-73949 | FX2 Compellent Project | Electronic Systems, Inc. | 11/21/2016 |
Basis for Source Determination: HRT, Dell and Electronic Systems, Inc. (ESI) worked extensively together to assess HRT’s existing infrastructure and to design, engineer and propose an adequate replacement solution for current the virtualization environment. As a Dell Premier Partner, ESI was able to pass on special pricing benefits to HRT. |
16-73950 | Ticket Vending Machine TLS 1.2 Payment Gateway Upgrade | Government Payment Consulting Services, LLC | 10/28/2016 |
Basis for Source Determination: The services of Government Payment Consulting Services, LLC required to assist HRT in performing emergency upgrade of current payment and Ticket Vending Machine (TVM) software to accommodate change in security protocol; and, test the changes on TVM POS devices prior to the effective date of December 4, 2016 to ensure no interruption to credit/debit card payment processing. |
16-73948 | Senior PeopleSoft HCM Systems Administrator | HyperGen, Inc. | 10/21/2016 |
Basis for Source Determination: The Consultant possesses the intimate knowledge of HRT’s PeopleSoft HCM infrastructure required to assist HRT in completing the implementation of recommendations aimed at ensuring that HRT’s HCM System infrastructure is efficient and effective in addressing HRT’s current and future requirements. |
16-73930 | Technical Advisory Services for Facilities Enterprise Asset Management System Procurement | CH2M Hill, Inc. | 09/22/2016 |
Basis for Source Determination: CH2M Hill assisted HRT with the development of its Facilities Asset Management Plan. This ensures that all proposals are evaluated exactly in accordance to the developed specifications and needs. |
16-72048 | Information Technology Research and Advisory Services | Gartner, Inc. | 09/20/2016 |
Basis for Source Determination: Renewal of Information Technology technical assistance and services to HRT’s Technology Department. |
16-72017 | Vehicle Miles Reduced Tracker Application Software | CelWell Services, LLC | 05/11/2016 |
Basis for Source Determination: The Vehicle Miles Reduced (VMR) Tracker Application Software developed by CelWell Services, LLC is required to support the TRAFFIX program. CelWell maintains all copyright privileges and is the sole distributor of the product. |
16-72024 | Light Rail Vehicle Body Repair Services | Bay Custom, Inc. | 05/11/2016 |
Basis for Source Determination: Bay Custom, Inc. is the only company in Southeast Virginia with the expertise and experience in performing the required work on Light Rail Vehicles (LRV) and the firm is familiar with HRT’s LRV body paint, finishing system and work environment. |
15-70151 | Information Technology Research and Advisory Services | Gartner, Inc. | 09/01/2015 |
Basis for Source Determination: Renewal of Information Technology technical assistance and services to HRT’s Technology Department. |
15-70160 | Microsoft Enterprise Software License | 08/31/2015 | |
Basis for Source Determination: SHI has the preferred Microsoft pricing contract in the State of Virginia. |
14-67412 | TVM, Odyssey Farebox System, Repair Parts, Soft-Hardware & Main. Support | Genfare / SPX | 04/27/2015 |
Basis for Source Determination: Genfare/SPX is the only manufacturer of the TVM and Fareboxes used by HRT. Genfare, holds the proprietary rights to the software used. |
14-65266 | Hybrid Bus Diagnostic and Repair Services | Western Branch Diesel | 07/07/2014 |
Basis for Source Determination: The only Allison certified dealer and repair center within the region that can perform diagnostic and maintenance on the hybrid buses. |
13-63901 | Bus Wheel Alignment and Tire Balancing Equipment | Hill Equipment Co., Inc. | 11/20/2013 |
Basis for Source Determination: Sole Source |
13-61659 | Spear 4i Software Support Renewal | Hansen Information Technologies/Infor Public Sector, Inc. | 07/22/2013 |
Basis for Source Determination: Renewal of annual technical support services for existing Spear 4i Software. |
12-57862 | Fluid Management System | S&A Systems, Inc. | 04/02/2012 |
Basis for Source Determination: The FLEETWATCH® Fuel and Fluid Management System is proprietary S&A Systems, Inc. |
N/A | Avaya Phones and G450 Gateway | Carousel Industries of North America | 03/16/2012 |
Basis for Source Determination: City of Hampton Voice Telecommunications Contract |