Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads

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Call to Order & Roll Call

  • Public Comments
  • Approval of May 23, 2024, Meeting Minutes
  • President’s Monthly Report – William Harrell
    • Board Updates
  • Committee Reports
    • Audit & Budget Review Committee – Commissioner Gray/ Conner Burns, Chief Financial Officer
      • May 2024 Financial Report
    • Management/Financial Advisory Committee – Commissioner Eisenberger/ Conner Burns, Chief Financial Officer
    • Operations & Oversight Committee – Commissioner Glover/ Sonya Luther, Director of Procurement
      • Contract No. 24-00278 – Bus Operator Barrier and Modification Services
        • Commission Consideration: Award of contract to Complete Coach Works to provide bus operator barrier installation and modification services in the not-to-exceed amount of $964,624.37.
      • Contract No. 24-00272R Microtransit Pilot Program
        • Commission Consideration: Award of contract to River North, LLC to provide a microtransit pilot program in the not-to-exceed amount of $2,445,828.48.
    • Meeting of the Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads
      • Thursday, June 27, 2024, 509 E. 18th Street, Norfolk, VA at 1:00 p.m. in Person – Zoom
      • AGENDA
        • Contract No. 24-00273 Paratransit Eligibility Evaluation and Processing Service (Renewal)
          • Commission Consideration: Award of contract to to provide paratransit eligibility evaluation and processing services in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,077,039.00, over five (5) years.
        • Contract No. 24-00288 Provision of Facility Furniture
          • Commission Consideration: Award of contract to B. W. Wilson Paper Company to provide facility furniture for HRT in the not-to-exceed amount of $240,000.00 over three (3) years.
    • Planning/New Starts Development Committee – Commissioner Ross-Hammond/ Ray Amoruso, Chief Planning & Development Officer
    • External/Legislative Advisory Committee – Commissioner Bullock/ Alexis Majied, Chief Communications and External Affairs Officer
    • Smart Cities & Innovation Committee – Commissioner McClellan/ Michael Price, Chief Information/Technology Officer
    • Paratransit Advisory Subcommittee – Chair Troy Bowser/ Keith Johnson, Paratransit Services Contract Administrator
    • Transit Ridership Advisory Sub-Committee – Ms. Denise Johnson, Chair/ Rodney Davis, Director of Customer Relations
  • Old and New Business
    • FY2025 Election of Officers – Nomination Committee Report
  • Comments by Commission Members
  • Closed Session
  • Adjournment

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 25, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. at 3400 Victoria Boulevard, Hampton, VA

Meeting Date

June 27, 2024 1:00pm

