O&O December 2023 – Hampton Roads Transit

Operations and Oversight Committee

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  1. Approval of the October 2023 Operations and Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
  2. Review Action Items
  3. Audit Update – Malika Blume
  4. Procurement Recommendations to the Committee – Sonya Luther
    1. Contract No. 23-00264, Purchase of Thirty-Two (32) 11-Passenger Body on Chassis Paratransit Busses.
  5. Task Orders (for informational purposes only).
    1. Contract 21-00128, Ticket Vending Machines / Odyssey Farebox Systems, Repair Parts, Software/Hardware, and Maintenance Support:
      1. Task Order 115. This Task Order is for Controller board repair. This Task Order is for $629.57 and is funded with operating funds.
      2. Task Order 117. This Task Order is for Swipe reader repair. This Task Order is for $184.20 and is funded with operating funds.
      3. Task Order 118. This Task Order is for Controller board repair, Coin validator repair. This Task Order is for $350.00 and is funded with operating funds.
      4. Task Order 119. This Task Order is for Display sticker set, Coin chute ramp, Universal sensor board, Alarm board. This Task Order is for $25,951.68 and is funded with operating funds.
      5. Task Order 120. This Task Order is for FastFare controller repair. This Task Order is for $175.00 and is funded with operating funds.
      6. Task Order 121. This Task Order is for FastFare Fareboxes and Software Licenses. This Task Order is for $265,446.28 and is funded with grant funds.
      7. Task Order 122. This Task Order is for FastFare Fareboxes and Software Licenses. This Task Order is for $49,902.74 and is funded with grant funds.
      8. Task Order 123. This Task Order is for FastFare Fareboxes and Software Licenses. This Task Order is for $49,902.74 and is funded with grant funding.
      9. Task Order 124. This Task Order is for FastFare controller repair, Bill validator repair, 30-button repair. This Task Order is for $490.80 and is funded with operating funds.
      10. Task Order 127. This Task Order is for Media converter board; “C” retaining ring; Universal sensor board; Temp/Amb light sensor; Magtek swipe reader; Shaft no. 2; Shaft no. 6; Controller module; Optical encoder; “O” ring; Synchronous belt; Worm gear rework; Wiring harness; Flanged bearing; Miter gear; Pulley. This Task Order is for $10,336.30 and is funded with operating funds.
      11. Task Order 128. This Task Order is for FastFare Fareboxes and Software Licenses. This Task Order is for $16,722.58 and is funded with grant funds.
  6. Options to be Exercised January and February of 2024 – Sonya Luther
  7. Upcoming Commission Approvals – Sonya Luther
  8. Operations Update – Benjamin Simms, IV
  9. Old and New Business
  10. Adjournment

The next Operations & Oversight Committee Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 11, 2023, in Hampton, VA and virtually via ZOOM.

Meeting Date

December 7, 2023 10:00am

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