FAQs – Hampton Roads Transit


Can bus operators make change on the bus?
No. Bus operators cannot make change on buses. If you are using cash, please present the exact fare as you board. On top of the fare box, there is one slot for coins and another for dollar bills.
Can I bring a bicycle on the bus if the bike rack is full?
Only fold-up bicycles are allowed inside the bus. They must be folded prior to bringing them on board. If you do not have a fold-up bicycle and the rack is full, you must wait for the next bus.
What is the process to request a bus shelter/bench?
Call (757) 222-6100 and file a request with the Customer Service department. Please provide the Customer Service representative with an address or the name of the street where the bus stop is located, the closest intersection and contact information (name, phone number, address and email address). HRT has limited funds for shelters. Otherwise, we’d have them in many more places.
What identification do seniors over 65, persons with disabilities, or Medicare cardholders need to provide for Discounted Fare?
You must show the driver a DMV ID, a Medicare ID (with photo) or any other proof of age which includes a photograph.
Persons with disabilities must show a HRT Discounted Fare ID, or an ADA Paratransit ID (with photo).
Medicare cardholders must show a Medicare ID (with photo) or a HRT Discounted Fare ID.
Can children ride free on any of your transit services?
Children 17 years old and younger may ride any HRT vehicle for free when accompanied by an adult fare-paying passenger. They may ride for free by themselves if they obtain a Student Freedom Pass from Hampton Roads Transit. In all cases, the Student Freedom Pass will expire two months after the student’s expected high school graduation date, or the 18th birthday, whichever is later. Any exceptions to this policy will be handled on a case by case basis.
What if I lose or damage my fare card?
HRT is not responsible for fare cards lost or damaged in any way. A fare card will be replaced only if damaged in the fare box upon boarding a bus. A fare card receipt form will be presented to the customer for validation. Customers are required to turn in the fare card receipt form to a customer service representative at any of our transit locations for replacement. No refunds are given to customers on damaged fare cards.
Can I bring a pet on any of your transit services?
Animals are not permitted except for animals in small cages that do not require separate seats (Bus and Trolley service ONLY), as well as any pet or animal whose purpose is to assist a person with a disability or to assist in training activities. Animals are not allowed aboard Light Rail vehicles except for those whose purpose is to assist a person with a disability or to assist in training activities.
What about service animals?
Service Animals (defined by the ADA as dogs) are welcome on all HRT services and in Transit Centers. For full guidelines on service animals, please refer to ADA Requirements.
How can I compliment a driver or leave a suggestion or complaint?
For compliments, say thank you. If you want to contact Customer Service about positive or not-so-good behavior, call (757) 222-6100 and speak with a representative regarding your concern. You also can complete the online customer feedback support form.
Does bus service operate the same level of service on holidays as listed on regular weekdays?
Hampton Roads Transit will list any change in service hours on GoHRT.com due to holidays or special events.
How does Hampton Roads Transit inform its customers of service interruptions due to weather, detours, etc.?
The Customer Relations Division highlights (in yellow) trips delayed 15 minutes or more on the route schedules posted on GoHRT.com. Canceled trips are highlighted in red. This service is provided Monday – Friday from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. Detours and service disruptions are communicated as service alerts, and are posted at the “Service Alerts” section of GoHRT.com, and on our Facebook account and Twitter feed. Those who sign up for GoAlerts also receive service alerts via email.
How can I learn about route or schedule information when the Customer Service department is closed?
At any time, our Customer Service phone system can provide customers with timely bus route and general information. Customers can also visit GoHRT.com to review route schedule information.